Breed standard

STANDARD DACHSHUND (FCI Standard N° 148 / 09.05.2001)

Short legged, elongated but compact build, very muscular, with proud carriage of the head and alert facial expression; his general appearance is typical of sex membership. Despite the short limbs in relation to the length of the body, does not appear ungainly, burdened or restricted in movement.

The distance above the ground is about one third of the Height; the length of the body that must remain in harmonious relation to height at withers, about 1: 1.7 to 1: 1.8.

Friendly by nature, neither nervous nor aggressive, with even temperament. Hunting dogs are passionate, persevering and fast with an excellent nose.

Elongated as seen from above and in profile shrinks uniformly towards the nose, not pointed. Superciliary arches well developed. Cartilages of the nose and muzzle long and narrow.


Skull fairly flat, gradually merging with the muzzle, slightly arched. Stop only mentioned

Nose: Well developed.
Muzzle: Long, sufficiently broad and strong; with wide opening, with labial which reaches the level of vertical eye.
Jaws / Teeth: well developed the maxillary arch and the mandibular arch. Regular and complete scissor bite. Ideal a complete set of teeth (42 teeth according to the dental formula of the dog), with strong canines that fit perfectly.
Lips: taut, well-coating the lower jaw.
Eyes: Medium size, oval, well spaced, with sincere expression, energetic yet friendly, non-penetrating. Brown, shiny dark red, brown to blackish brown, with any color of the coat. Sky-blue or pearl eyes are not desired, however, are tolerated in harlequin subjects.
Ears: Set high, but not too far forward, sufficiently long, but not exaggerated. Rounded tips, not thin nor pointed and even wrinkled. Mobile, adhere strongly to the cheeks with the front profile.

Sufficiently long, muscular, without dewlap, with slightly arched neck, carried freely and high

Upper line: Blending harmoniously from neck to slightly sloping croup.
Withers pronounced.
Back: starting from the withers, the topline running from the thoracic vertebrae with straight or slightly inclined to the rear. Balance and well muscled.
Loin: Well muscled, long enough.
Croup: Broad and long enough. Slightly tilted.

Chest: sternum must be well and so prominent that you can see on both sides slight depressions.

The ribcage: view from the front is oval; view from above and to the side is wide in order to ensure full development of the heart and lungs; is well back. If the shoulder or upper arm have the right length and angle, the foreleg viewed from the side, covers the lowest point of the sternal line.

Underline and Belly: slightly tucked.


Hanging not too high, carried in line with the dorsal profile. The last third is permitted a slight curvature.

In general, strongly muscled, well angulated, seen from the front straight front, dry, well boned, with feet pointing straight forward.

Shoulders: Pliant muscles oblique shoulder blade, fitting close to chest.

Homer: the same length as the shoulder blade, set almost at right angles to this. Strong boned and well muscled, close fitting to ribs but free in movement.

Elbow: neither deflected inside and outside.

Forearm: Short, yet so long that the distance from the ground is about one third of its height at the withers. Usually right.

Pastern joints: Slightly closer together than the shoulder joints.

Pastern: Seen from the side, should be neither too straight nor noticeably inclined forward.

Foot: Front fingers tightly joined together, well arched, bearing strong, tough, well-damping and short strong nails. The fifth toe has no function but can not be removed.


Generally well-muscled, well-proportioned than the forehand. Knees and hocks: strongly angled; the hind legs are parallel, neither too close nor too far apart.

Thigh: must be of good length and well muscled.

Knee joint: Broad and strong with pronounced angulation.

Short Leg: almost at right angles to the upper thigh.

Hock joint: hock strong, nervous and dry.

Hock: Relatively long, very mobile, compared to the leg, slightly tilted forward.

Back foot: four fingers very close together, well arched. Relies entirely on solid bearings

The pace should be wide flowing and energetic, with far reaching front strides the front with strong drive from the hindquarters that by transmitting to the top line, the imprints flexes slightly. The tail should be carried in harmonious continuation of backline, slightly sloping. In moving the front legs and rear must move on parallel planes.

SKIN: very tight



  1. a) Whole-colored: Red, reddish yellow, yellow, in all cases, with or without hair blacks combined. It’s preferable to a clean color and the color red is of greater value than reddish yellow or yellow. Even dogs with strongly interspersed black hairs are classed as whole and not that of dogs of other colors. White is not desired but single small spots do not disqualify. Nose and nails black; is also allowed reddish-brown, but not desirable.
  2. b) Two-colored: Deep black or brown, in both cases with signs of tan or yellow (tan) above the eyes, on the sides of the jaw and lower lip, on inner edge of the ears, on the chest, on the inside and rear limbs, feet, around the anus and from there up to about a third to half of the underside of the tail. The nose and nails blacks in dachshunds blacks, brown in brown. White is not desired but single small spots do not disqualify. A tan spot too large is not desirable
  3. c) Subjects harlequins (pulled or stained): The basic color is always the dark color (black, red or gray). Desired are irregular gray or beige (undesirable large patches). Should not prevail nor dark nor light. The color of a brindle Dachshund is red or yellow with darker streaks. Nose and toenails are the same as in dachshunds solid colors and two-tone.

Wire-haired dachshund



maximum weight of about 9 kg

measured when at least 15 months.


           Each variation of the characteristics listed above should be considered a defect whose evaluation should be in exact proportion to the severity of the change itself.

when no other missing teeth (excluding M3); so also is a defect

deviation from the correct scissor bite, ie. pincers.



Short-haired dachshund

Dachshund with hard fur

Dachshund Long Hair


N.B. Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.